Windy City Riot Throwback Collection (2009-2018)
In honor Windy City Riot 2019 taking place in Chicago this weekend we hope you’ll enjoy this special throwback Thursday collection of edits from the last ten Windy City Riot competitions.
Videos are organized in chronological order.
Credit to David Depew who compiled this list of links for the Chicago Blade Scene facebook group.
Chicago native Steve Lerner took the 2009 WCR hosted by Collin Martin.
WCR 2010:
Kruise Sapstein takes the 2010 WCR title on a fine summer day on the south side of Chicago.
WCR 2011 Results:
1. Travis Rhodes
2. Jeph Howard
3. Michael Froemling
4. Sean Darst
5. Kory Wakiki
6. Howie Bennett
7. Steven Tat
WCR 2012 Results:
1. Steve Lerner
2. Travis Rhodes
3. Michael Froemling
4. Garret Mitchellin
5. Paul John
6. Jeph Howard
7. Matthias St. John
Best Trick: Ryan Sibbio
WCR 2013 Results:
1. John Bolino
2. David Sizemore
3. Adam Bazydlo
WCR 2014 Results:
1. Sean Darst
2. Adam Bazydlo
3. Michael Froemling
WCR 2015 Results:
1. Egon Naab
2. Sean Darst
3. Pablo Munoz
4. Steve Lerner
5. PJ Piencak
Long Jump: John Gantz
WCR 2016 Results:
1. Paul John
2. Luke Naylor
3. Michael Froemling
4. Zack Waszkiewicz
WCR 2017 Results:
1. Luke Naylor
2. Don Bambrick
3. Zack Savage
WCR 2018 Results:
1. Don Bambrick
2. Paul John
3. Logan Clark
Best Trick: Kevin Lubovich