Blader Union

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Blader Union introduces the Blading Event Calendar

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Available now- head to the Navigation Menu > Binge > Events

As we continue forward into 2020, we are taking note on some ways to improve we’ve encountered along the way. Much in the same way that we tried to address a growing need by creating a VOD Catalogue, a Podcast Library, and a central home for all things blading, we’ve taken note of another gap we’d hope to help close.

Each week, Kevon says “Let’s talk about these Events” during his This Week In Blade show. Each week, that’s the most that folks get to hear about them unless they are connected to the event personally, on a Facebook event page, or following a different variant of social media account. Today, we’re looking to change that, and it’ll require help from the community to foster that change.

We’re proud to introduce a crowd sourced Blading Event Calendar. The calendar is run though a very simple and universal Google Calendar configuration, but with some deep integrated tech in the background to pull it all together. When you visit our site via the Blader Union Mobile App or mobile web, you’ll be presented with a streamlined view of upcoming events in the month view, which can be further adjusted to just a week view or even an agenda view for listing everything from now to the future straight down the page.

Each event will be formatted the same way through deep integrations and automations listing the event name followed by a city level global location so you can see what’s upcoming and what might be close-by to you. Inside the calendar event, you’ll find details on the events website or social media event page. You’ll also get an exact location so when you’re on the go and need the address, you aren’t fumbling through social media trying to find the account and extract the address to figure out where to go.

You’ll get additional details on the event too. The submission can include the event’s schedule, additional details for the day of or leading up to, a meetup location, and more. The more details the event’s team provides, the better. And lastly, it’ll include any relevant social media links so you can quickly open you social media apps and get connected. When the submissions are formatted correctly, links will be selectable and drop you right into Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more.

If you navigate to the Blading Event Calendar page on your desktop, you’ll have a whole new way to interact with the page. You’ll be greeted by an expanded calendar and a way to submit your upcoming event. Following the submission form’s workflow, your upcoming event will get automatically listed right along with the others. Completing the instructions exactly as requested will have the process automated and shared out typically in under 15 minutes. Each step has explicit instructions and requirements to submit. Remember, the more details you add, the better we can share with everyone to generate more interest and following.

This process will be continually improving and we’ll always be looking for ways to simplify this even further. For now, this is the best way we’ve seen to interact and make sure that people aren’t missing out on meeting up and enjoying some of the best facets of this community.

For now, we’re limiting this to just major events, gatherings, camps, races, etc. Shortly in the future we will be opening an additional resources for local events, meetups, and big wheel sessions that recur weekly, monthly, and beyond.

If you have any questions, issues with your submission, or feedback, never hesitate to drop us a line to We hope you enjoy the calendar, and we hope this is another way for the community to grow even stronger together. - Travis