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Kevon “Biz” Thompson - TooEasy
My names Kevon “Biz” Thompson and I love rollerblading. I’ve been skating aggressively since I was 10 and 18 years later we’re still out here! I’m from Long Beach, Ca, currently living in the San Francisco Bay Area. Part of the legendary BDC crew, I’m the host of This Week In Blade!
This Week In Blade, or TWIB, started as an easy way to digest everything dope happening in blading. I have homies that don’t have time to sit and watch every edit that drops so I wanted to give them one place to get the best stuff. I studied the likes of Jon Stewart, Trevor Noah, and John Oliver, as well as skating based channels such as Jumpstreet Podcast, Blade or Die, and Skaternews to create something truly amazing and what I felt was necessary to the blading world.
The first episode was to see if the idea had any legs, and more than just standing the thing took off! 2 season later we are the number 1 weekly blading new source. At the start of season three we linked with Blader Union because why not? They’re dope! We hope that you show the same love for them that you show for TWIB!
Blading has given me so much over the years from my best friends, to a reason to go outside. I wanted to do what I can to give back. I really hope you enjoy the show and share with the homies. Always remember; Blading is more than tricks. - Biz