Blader Union

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Announcing The Blader Union Spotlight Series

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Video by Travis Stewart
Article by Daniel Nodzak

Blader Union was founded in 2017 for the purpose of not only highlighting the best rollerblading content available on a daily basis but to use our platform to elevate talented skaters who may not have the reach to get their content in front of as many eyes as they deserve without assistance. So in continuing with that objective it’s my pleasure to announce the Blader Union Spotlight Series. The next step for us as we continue working to better serve the inline skating community.

What is the Spotlight Series?

The Spotlight Series is a new program meant to allow rollerbladers from any discipline to submit their content to be hosted on the Blader Union YouTube channel where it can benefit from our established and ever-growing audience.

If selected for the Spotlight Series you’ll also be interviewed by Daniel for a companion article which will be featured on and our mobile apps.

How does it work?

Step 1. Upload your edit to YouTube or Vimeo as an unlisted video. DO NOT send us video files. For our own security Blader Union will not download any files sent to us at this initial stage of the submission process.

Step 2. Email a link to your unlisted video to along with the following details:
a) Your name (If submitting a crew edit include all skaters featured)
b) Your location (city & country)
c) Filming & editing credits
d) discipline (aggressive, freeskating, slalom etc)

Step 3. Write a brief description of your video. (2-3 sentences)

That’s it! There’s nothing left to do but be patient while your submission is being reviewed. We can’t estimate how long it’ll take to hear back from us at this time but we promise anyone who complies with our submission guidelines will get a response as soon as possible.

If you’re selected to be featured for the Spotlight Series Daniel will work with you to coordinate details for the release of your video and article.