Back to Blading #78 - The Skate Everyone That's Me Wants

Ben and Law are back talking about the latest blading news. Them expands to more clothing and coffee, custom parts, Chris Farmer, new Gawds skates and much more.

Platform #45 - Matt Reyes

“Them Skates' latest addition, Matt Reyes, talks about how he got into blading, being tutored on iconic videos by his cousin Json Adriani, skating in front of the Supreme skateboarding team, how Jon Julio ended up asking him to ride for his skate brand and many other interesting stories. The young Italian is part of the new generation steering European blading and we are excited to see what he does next. He's also incredibly warm, funny and a pleasure to speak with.” - David McNamara

Blader Union is proud to sponsor the Platform podcast.
Platform is also available on Spotify and iTunes.

Jump Street Podcast #105 - Luis Corrales

“Luis made his way to the states from Cuba and is now repping the skate scene for the young guys in Atlanta. We talk about the Cuban skate scene, old school vs new school blading, making music, and more.” - Jump Street Podcast

Platform #44 - Cavin Brinkman

“Dutch videographer Cavin Brinkman talks about his latest video, Plastic Pushers 2, what it was like working on Sven Boekhorst and Dominik Wagner's first street sections in years, Levi van Rijn's stunt-filled ender part and more tales from the filming process. He also discusses his tendency to start internet conflict, why various pro skaters have blocked him on social media over the years, and his thoughts on other blading-related topics.” - David McNamara

Blader Union is proud to sponsor the Platform podcast.
Platform is also available on Spotify and iTunes.

General Gossip #5 - Bonus! The Word Read Aloud

“Adam reads sections from “The Word” from Daily Bread Volume 10 Issue 1 from January 2002. List to Adam struggle to read letters from Joe and Monkey. We also try to remember Mike Wilson’s credentials in rollerblading, and we talk about over publications that we subscribed to in our youths.” - Adam Samurai

Platform #43 - Jeff Dalnas

“Jeff Dalnas talks about what it was like coming up in the era of Rollernews, how he got on Rollerblade, the highs and lows of riding for USD and how things ended, and his new pro skate from Trigger. He also talks about his thoughts on the current state of blading, and what he likes and dislikes about it. We also reminisce on some of his biggest tricks throughout the years, including the epic drop kink rails he is known for.” - David McNamara

Blader Union is proud to sponsor the Platform podcast.
Platform is also available on Spotify and iTunes.