Blader Union - The Rollerblade® rockstars enjoying the Berlin Marathon

The Rollerblade® rockstars enjoying the Berlin Marathon

This year we have send 3 of our European rockstars to the Berlin Marathon. The rockstar team was formed by:

Marco Gerris: artistic leader of dance collective ISH

Jeremy Suarez: street athlete

Danny Aldridge: urban athlete and Rollerblade video host

These 3 cool guys have been on skates since the early 90’s, Jeremy skated the Berlin Marathon last year and beat his time with 3minutes. Marco and Danny did their first marathon and were very impressed and overwhelmed. Finishing a marathon gives a feeling of euphoria, although it all starts with a big smile it is hard work, but is pays off as you reach your goal.

Danny managed to freeskate Berlin in the same weekend, he would have be accompanied by Jeremy, but unfortunately his bag with skates got stuck at the airport. Luckily Jeremy managed to skate the marathon

Check out the video with Marco, Jeremy and Danny where they share their great experience of riding the marathon, travelling to another city, skating though Berlin, having a good laugh at the after party and most of all having fun the whole weekend.


Danny: 1:27:37

Jeremy 1:34:57

Marco: 1:50.55