Chances are if you've been skating longer than 10 years, you've worn, seen, or heard of something involving Mark Vanderboegh. If the name doesn't ring a bell for you, think back to Six One Six, Integrated Distribution, Night Hardware, The Cause, and countless more. Mark had been more involved in the industry than some companies ever were. Haunted wheel's Brad Oz got a chance to sit down with him in this two part podcast to talk about life, Woodward, X-Games, Skiing, and more. It's time to get some knowledge with the man himself. Click the link above to listen in. And don't forget to subscribe to the Blade Rat Podcast or check out for more great content.
Mark and family at Woodward
Mark Vanderboegh - Soul
Mark Vanderboegh - Mute Gap
An older Six Won Six / Integrated Distribution / The Cause ad
Six Won Six - In Code Team Video
Six Won Six Ad
The Cause / Night Hardware Ad
Mark Vanderboegh - Mute Transfer