From Deck To Spine with Matt Burke

“After all my time at the Tallahassee skatepark, I've NEVER boosted over the spine into the pool, but after a daydream last week, I realized I needed to try it... and it nearly made me soil my trousers in the process. The pop from a 5-6 foot quarter over the spine into a 3 foot pool took a few tries to get used to, but after that, I got pretty comfortable with it... though the speed and height I bring into the deep end of the pool is something I need to figure out a bit more haha I also attempted a massive backyard project that, well... you'll see. Thanks a ton for the continued support, it means a whole lot more to me than I'm comfortable showing on the internet, but I appreciate y'all a whole bunch. Stay safe and take care of each other out there. “ - Matt Burke